Welcome to micampus! – 2022
The academic year is starting and at micampus we’ve gone all out to celebrate with a welcome party: DJ, 360 photo booth, cocktails, open bar…
We want to help make the academic year easier for you. For this reason, we’ve worked with Quirónsalud to organize a free online workshop for you.
The workshop will be taught by Joan Frances Serra Pla on Monday 12 December from 19:00 to 20:00.
Don’t put off signing up for this online workshop… sign up now!
The academic year is starting and at micampus we’ve gone all out to celebrate with a welcome party: DJ, 360 photo booth, cocktails, open bar…
Durante los meses de marzo y abril te podrás apuntar a un torneo de pádel mixto entre las residencias de micampus de Sevilla en la pista de pádel de micampus Rector Estanislao del Campo.
El próximo sábado 9 de abril hay senderismo y paellas desde Galileo Galilei (Valencia) en la Sierra de Espadán.
Next Saturday, April 9, we will travel from Galileo Galilei (Valencia) to the Sierra de Espadán nature reserve to go hiking and enjoy some paella.