Tips to manage academic stress
Your years at university are exciting and will make you grow as a person but occasionally they may also be stressful, above all in exam periods.
One stage of your life comes to a close when you finish high school and another begins when you decide what your next step will be. This decision will determine the path of your future career and many people find that deciding what they want to do at such a young age isn’t easy. Even so, many people make this decision and then change their mind at a later date, and this shouldn’t be viewed as a mistake but rather as a learning opportunity.
This choice will determine how the next phase of your life begins and is not to be taken lightly. You have to give it careful thought and start to make moves towards it during the final phase of your high school studies by choosing subjects which reflect your strengths and will help you fulfil your aspirations for the future.
It’s important to stress how crucial this moment is for your future career as there are many people who finish high school without knowing what they want to do and this makes having to decide what to study at university more stressful. This stress can be avoided by talking about what you want to do next and starting to think about it early so you’re not left without any idea of what you’re going to do.
Initiative is important, as is communication with those around you so they can give you advice and guidance, although the final decision is yours.
Although this is an important decision, it is also a difficult one. While it’s great that many people are certain about what they want to study, if you’re not sure yet, don’t worry because you can always change your mind.
If you choose a degree and once you start the course you regret your decision, you can always change course as long as you have the documentation you need in order to do so.
Each university has their own admissions criteria and, in general, reserves a number of places for people who want to make this kind of change and it’s usually straightforward to persuade them to admit you. They usually ask you for information about the degree you are currently studying and the credits you have already earned to see how many course credits they can validate so they count towards your new degree.
Finally, in addition to changing your degree you may also decide to change university. In this case, when you’ve been admitted you must request the transfer of your academic transcript to the new institution.
Once you have chosen a degree, you have to decide where to study. Before making a decision, find out as much as you can about the specific university you are thinking about attending. Ask the universities for their course syllabi, find out about the teachers and their teaching methods and the experience of other students.
We hope these tips have been helpful when it comes to choosing your degree.