10 study techniques to get the best grades

28 April 2022 | University life

What are study techniques?

A study technique is a method you apply to your studies to help you concentrate during the learning process. They are beneficial because they help you retain information more easily and identify your existing priorities. This enables you to organise your studies and manage your time as efficiently as possible as well as staying motivated.

Tips to find an effective study technique

There are many different techniques, but we are going to tell you about some of the most popular ones:

  • Technique 1: Pomodoro study technique
    The Pomodoro study technique consists in separating your study time into 25-minute blocks called “Pomodoros”, which are then separated by rest periods whose length will continue to increase after each Pomodoro. You can start, for example, with a 5-minute rest, then after the second Pomodoro the rest period will be 10 minutes. The only thing you need for this technique is an alarm and to be willing to follow these intervals.
  • Technique 2: Mind maps
    The second study technique is using mind maps which involves drawing a diagram to represent words, ideas, images, drawings, etc., which are all related to a central concept. It’s one of the most effective study techniques as it enables you to extract, organize and memorize all the information you need by summarizing the most important ideas in a subject using words and images.
  • Technique 3: Summaries
    Another study technique is using summaries. These are written, normally brief and allow you to synthesize the most important points of a more complex text and leave aside the content which is irrelevant to understanding the main idea. This is a highly recommended technique when it comes to memorizing or revising a specific subject.
  • Technique 4: Lists
    Lists are another technique which helps you organize your studies. It involves listing the subjects you have to study in order of priority. In this way you determine the order in which you want to study the subjects according to their importance and so create a more orderly pattern of study.
  • Technique 5: Spider diagrams
    Using spider diagrams involves representing inter-related ideas or concepts visually. They involve placing a main idea in the centre and connecting it to secondary ideas which are essential to understand the topic under study. Using spider diagrams is a very useful study technique when you have to learn more complex topics, allowing you to make them easier to understand and memorize.
  • Technique 6: Explain the topic
    You can use this study technique as follows: explain the topic to someone else or even to yourself. This is one of the best ways to learn something as, in order to be able to explain the topic, you must first have understood it yourself and have formed your own conclusions about it. 
  • Technique 7: Read aloud
    Reading aloud helps you to consolidate the knowledge you’ve acquired, taking in the information through the ears as well as the eyes. This study technique allows you to notice errors you’ve made, find inconsistencies, and it’s also a simple way of helping you memorize subjects. You need to be fully focused when using this technique. 
  • Technique 8: Self-testing
    Self-testing is another of the most effective study techniques which involves giving yourself a test or exam to determine how much you have already learned. You can also ask a friend or family member to prepare you a test to see what you have learned and what you still need to remember about a subject.
  • Technique 9: Revision cards
    Revision cards are tools which carry a group of words, numbers, images or symbols to help you memorize and revise what you have studied. Normally a question is on one side of the card and the answer is on the other. This study technique is used in a variety of subjects such as maths, literature, history, physics, chemistry, etc.
  • Technique 10: Study timetable
    The last study technique is using a study timetable. This involves drawing up a timetable where you set out the times of day when you have to study and deadlines for each topic or subject. It’s an excellent technique as it enables you to plan your day and ensures your study sessions will be productive.

When it comes to studying, at micampus we recommend you use the study techniques which best suit you and you find most useful so your revision is as effective as possible.

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