Living alone or sharing a room in the university residence

23 March 2023 | Residences

If you decide to study at a university far from home, you will have to move to live closer to the university before you start your studies.

Living in a university residence is one of the best options for university students because the space is designed to be used by them as they make up the majority of its residents. This type of accommodation tends to have excellent locations, so you’ll be close to the university faculties. The collegiate atmosphere will also help you to adapt to your new home as you’ll be living with lots of people who are in the same situation as you.

Once you’ve made the decision to live in a university residence, the next step is to choose if you want a private room or whether you’d rather share a room with someone else.

Benefits of choosing a private room

Some of the benefits of choosing a private room when you are going to live in a residence are:

  1. You can organize your study time and rest periods without having to worry about your roommates’ timetables.
  2. How your room is organized will be down to you alone. No one else will intrude on your plans when you are making it your own space.
  3. Privacy.
  4. Fewer distractions when trying to study in your room because you will be alone.

Benefits of choosing a shared room

The benefits of choosing a shared room are:

  1. You won’t feel lonely.
  2. You will save money because shared rooms are usually cheaper.
  3. You will have someone to share your free time with in the residence.
  4. You will learn to adapt to changes and communicate better to ensure you can live harmoniously with your roommates.

Here are a series of tips for sharing a room, if you go for this option, to ensure you enjoy sharing a living space and have a positive, unique experience.

Once you’ve considered the benefits of the two options, choose which most appeals to you. Decide how you will live during your time at the residence: whether you would prefer to share a room with someone or have a space all to yourself.

How do I decide which type of room to choose?

As we have already said, when you’ve considered the pros and cons of each option it’s likely that you’ll know if you’d prefer to enjoy a shared or private room in a residence.

In addition to considering a list of advantages and disadvantages, it’s important to take into account economic factors as the price of accommodation can vary greatly depending on your choice of room.

On the other hand, you must also take into account your ability to share a living space with people outside your close family or share a room in the residence with a stranger. Think about when you’ve been on holiday with friends: did you adapt easily or did it upset you if the others didn’t want to do the same things as you?

In the end, it’s an important decision and the first big one you’ll have to make when setting out on the new adventure that is studying away from home, living with other university residents and, of course, starting university.

Sit down and talk about your options with your friends and family. Take your time and you will come to the right decision for you.

At micampus we give you all the facilities and different options you need to ensure your stay with us is pleasant and enjoyable.

We look forward to seeing you soon!

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