Mobility grants, how do I apply for them?

21 November 2022 | Grants

Mobility grants are issued to university students to facilitate their participation in academic mobility schemes at a national level, giving them the opportunity to study at other universities in Spain and overseas and allowing them to study for a degree outside their country of origin.

We have already gone into detail about other types of grants such as academic excellence grants, but this time we’re focusing on university mobility grants. These grants exist to allow students who have familial or financial difficulties to access a university outside their home town.

To be able to apply for this type of mobility grant at a national level you must meet the following criteria:

Criteria to apply for a university mobility grant

  1. You must be Spanish or be resident in Spain. You must prove this by providing a copy of your DNI or residence permit.
  2. You must not already hold an academic qualification at the same level as that which you are studying.
  3. The income of the family you live with cannot be greater than a determined amount. This requirement is important and is given great weight because this grant is for people who need it. The level of family income to obtain this grant varies annually and also depends on the number of children in the family and whether any family member has a disability. To calculate your eligibility correctly, the tax returns of all family members over 25 years of age will be taken into account.
  4. Academic requirements must also be met. Some will be related to not having repeated an academic year or will be a percentage of subjects passed at the end of the course.

Moreover, these requirements must be met throughout the period you are studying and, if they are no longer met, the grant will be withdrawn and the student will have to repay the part of the grant which corresponds to the length of time they no longer met the eligibility criteria.

How do I apply for the mobility grant?

You must follow a series of simple steps to complete the application process:

  1. The first step is to access the Sede Electrónica on the official grants website of the Ministry of Education.
  2. If you have applied for a grant before, you can log in with your username (DNI) and the password you chose when you first registered. On the other hand, if you’ve never applied for a grant before, the first thing you have to do is register.
  3. When you’ve entered the portal you have to access the processes and services section and then go to the pages for general and mobility student grants. In this section you will have to fill in an application form with all the information required.
  4. Finally, when you’ve entered all the necessary information into the form, send it.

Most grant applications tend to follow this generic process with similar steps to those described above. Even so, you must be aware of the exact requirements for each autonomous community, as they may vary, when applying for a grant if you’re a student who wants to study outside their home region or away from the town where you live.

At micampus residencias we hope this post has given you helpful advice when it comes to applying for mobility grants.

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